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Create a Prosperity Board

A prosperity board is a great visual affirmation for your goals. Your prosperity board is a powerful tool because it appeals directly to the right side of your brain, which is the part of your brain that responds to feelings and images.

Your prosperity board displays pictures and words that symbolize what you truly want to a have in your life. By focusing your energies on what you want to manifest into your life, your creative imagination will cause it to become a reality.

Directions for creating a prosperity board

Get a medium size bulletin board (you can also use a poster board, however, you will not be able to change and update it as easily). Hang your bulletin board in a place where you will see it everyday and often during the day. Mine hangs in my office next to my desk.

Next, cut out pictures and words from magazines, catalogs and newspapers that depict the things you want in your life. I have a picture of a Saab 900 Convertible hanging on my board. I also have a list of my goals, pictures that relate health and prosperity to me as well as pictures that represent a flourishing business. Whatever is a visual representation of your goals is what you want to hang on your board.

Next, affix the cutout elements in collage fashion on your board. There is no right or wrong way to do this, so just have fun with it. If it makes you feel great when you look at it, you have done it the way it needs to be done.

As you receive the items on your board, take them down, write "Thank you" across the front of the picture and replace it with something new that you desire.

The prosperity board has proven to be one of the most powerful tools I have ever used. It inspires me and keeps me motivated. I trust you will find this to be useful also.

Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD provides daily motivation, information and inspiration to thousands of busy self development enthusiast who want to stay focused and on track to their goals through her award winning e-zine 365 Days of Coaching. For a free report, "The Power of Daily Action - How to create more Wealth, Health and Happiness by Tapping Into the Power of Daily Action" go to

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